Fashion Revolution Week Project Recap – Theories of change in the fashion industry

And that’s a wrap, it’s the last day of Fashion Revolution Week 2018. I loved volunteering as NYU’s student ambassador and learning about the many initiatives going on around campus to bring about change in the fashion industry. Zoning in on this specific field of human rights issues in the fashion industry in such a big school like NYU, it is easy to feel like the only one fighting for the cause. It was comforting to see that there were others like me around the university eager to make a difference. Throughout this week I talked to students and administrators from various schools and organizations on campus who all had different approaches to driving change in the industry. Below is a list of the articles:

Policymaking: A way forward from advocacy

Grassroots Organizing: Student led initiatives

Multi-stakeholder Initiatives: The business case for human rights

Design Thinking: Changing approaches to creating fashion

Social Entrepreneurship: Disrupting the fashion industry

Although Fashion Revolution Week is over, there is still so much we can do and I hope that this week has fueled you to see the many ways to get involved in the movement. I also encourage everyone to sign the Fashion Revolution Manifesto and show your support for a better industry.

This week has challenged me to really think about how I can personally drive change in the industry and what I’d like to do better this year. Through my blog, I have been focused on raising awareness about how the industry operates and how to address these issues from a consumer standpoint. Since going back to graduate school I have learned more about the policymaking process and hope to be more involved in this space, stay tuned on developments here. Additionally, I can’t wait for the new opportunity to work with Loocid Global and use apparel manufacturing as a vehicle for economic development (I wrote about this in the Social Entrepreneurship feature). What are your goals for becoming a better fashion revolutionary this year?


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